Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hey, been a while, hasn't it? Sorry, it's been hectic lately. Still, that's no excuse for neglecting my blog. Sadly, my blog won't be updated as much as it used to, and probably won't be for a long while. 

You see, I've been toying with the idea to make a new blog, one revolving around a motto of mine - "Every tale told, even a tall tale, has an inkling of truth in it". I've decided that sometime in October I'll be creating a new blog where I'll be finding these truths in an assortment of different stories - the local legends and lore, myths commonly and uncommonly known to us, and stories that seem so unbelievable that they just CAN'T be true! Why October? October itself is a month of ghoulish, nightmare-inducing tales - and it's a month where I'll be starting out with the most horrifying subject of them all! 

Creepypasta. That's right, the "Don't turn off the lights, or else you'll die with fright" internet sensation! Meh, I'm a fan, what else can I say? 

Also, I'm going to need a HUGE favor from you all reading this. When my new blog is up and running, I'd like for you to leave a comment on what story you think I should look up next - after October is over, of course, since that'll be my "Creepypasta-fest".

Thank you all for your support throughout the time Faerie's Grotto's been up! I hope you'll enjoy my new blog just as much as soon as it's up and running, too! Later! 

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