Friday, April 22, 2016

Sometimes you just need to be unknown - Unknown

No carbs - anonymous

When is one's work worth more than it should already be? When he or she is dead. Sad as it is, it's true. An artist's paintings are worth more when he or she is dead. Many choose not to listen to what a person has to offer, because they're "too small, unimportant".

Who do you look to when you want to hear opinions? A stranger, a preacher, a politician, your parents, or your teacher? Teachers are to teach certain ways, and while they try to give advice, be a guiding hand you might be needing, trying is all that can be done. Some don't succeed in getting through, and many more are unable to help, as they themselves don't understand. Aren't you supposed to respect your elders? Don't parents have an understanding their children do not? They've lived longer on this earth than their children have, so isn't their opinions worth more? Yes and no. Yes, parents have opinions we should take into consideration, but no, their opinions are not all that good. As a parent to a child has lived longer than said child, their opinions may be biased, and parents will sometimes try instilling a sense of "I'm in the right, you're in the wrong". Sometimes, but not always. A politican is tricky. We never know if what they're saying is what they believe they want us to hear or if what they're saying is what they firmly believe in. Some of the things a politican can say are good, things that we may need to consider, but really, in a world of politics, who're you going to believe? A preacher will preach the good word, but how good is that word? It could be biased, and it could be confusing, too. And if you've heard something being preached so many times, won't you grow bored with listening to this "good word"? Strangers are the last to ever be considered for who you want to hear opinions from, but a stranger can make an excellent listener and advice giver sometimes. A stranger has no familiarity with you, so how would they know what you may or may not want to hear? Furthermore, wouldn't a stranger be blunt with you? You are a stranger to them, so what purpose would restricting what they say to you hold?

I'm not saying go actively seek out unknown people to talk to, but what I am saying is that being unknown holds weight, as when people don't know who you are, they will be more likely to take what you say into account. Yes, Unknown is right. Sometimes it's better to be unknown.

No carbs to me means "the excess in life takes away its spice". Life is strange, I think we can all agree on that, but which life is better? Living life extravagently or average? Most would say they'd wish to live life extravagently, but I'm not too sure that's a good idea. Money can corrupt if you're not too careful, and power can go to your head if you don't watch out. Living average isn't bad, as what is average, anyways? Life is too good already, to those who make the best with what they have now. Living a life that's rich doesn't mean you have to be rich, it means that you can live life making the best out of its moments. No carbs, live life without its carbs.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hart’s ♡

I am Marjorie Ethel Anne Hart, also known as M . E Anne Hart, and listen as I confess something.

I have dreamed and day dreamed of a little boy, and I know he is my son. I yearn for the day I meet him in reality, but, I worry, for in my dreams there is no father.  

Not that I know of, anyways. In all my dreams of this little boy with the shadow over his face (if I try hard enough, I can imagine him with features close to mine, considering my maternal genetics are strong, and even if he is born a boy, he no doubt will have a likeness to me, if not in looks, it would be in personality, because that is strong too), do I never see a man around, no foreshadowing of a future as a nuclear family. Do I not marry? Is there no father for this boy? Do I have no boyfriend instead? A papa figure for this angel I hope to be one day blessed with birthing?

And I think about love. What is love? I know there is no such thing as a true love, as that only ever happened in fairy tales, and with so much heartbreak, it just isn’t possible. I don’t believe in love at first sight, either. You can like someone on first sight, but love that immediate? That intimate? No, never. I believe in first, second, and third loves, but not true love.

I love my friends, I love my parents, I love my family and family friends, but the love I don’t think I’ll ever find is a stable love. A love of righteous unity. A love where I’ll find someone who loves me too, whole heartedly, like I would them. No, I don’t think I’ll find that, not in this world, where there’s so much sorrow and crying and doubt. I dislike doubt, but I also like it.

I hate boundaries, always have, always will. I never know when I’m crossing a line if I’m never aware there was one in the first place, and how will people react if I do something that goes too far? I’m in a relationship now but will it work out? What if I cross a line with my boyfriend, making him uncomfortable and upset and making myself guilty? I admit, I’m perverted, but I’m okay with that, but will anyone be as okay with it as me?

I was raised as Christian, I was raised to know premarital sex is a sin, but I am curious by nature, and I am curious about sex. I want to know what it is about - first hand is always the best hand to have in the field of knowledge, after all - but I abide by my parents’ rule. Teenage sex is risky sex. So I find different means to learn, still abiding by their rules, but they despise my means to curb my curiosity and still abide by what they want. Can any parent be pleased?

I don’t see myself having a boyfriend or even a girlfriend later on life, now that I know who I am. I am a girl who wishes to be a woman who is strong and with her head held high, a woman confident, courageous, and compassionate, a woman who knows her faults and finds them marvelous. I can’t be that, if I have a husband, or a boyfriend, or even a girlfriend. I can’t be that woman I want to be if I’m so cautious about boundaries, because I can’t stress how stressful my current relationship is - Am I a good girlfriend? Do I give him enough space or am I seemingly distant from him? Will we make it for as long as we hope?

I discuss our future, or lackthereof, at times. I say “I don’t want bad blood between us” or “I want us to still be friends if anything happens”. He asked me if I was trying to tell him something, once. I said “No, not now”, because it was true. Not now. Never now. In a year, perhaps, when I’m to move on. It’s false hope, you might say, being with the boy who will one day be a man, is well ready for that step, but I cannot break it off so soon after we promised each other however long we can, we’d make it. I know I’ll be ending it, be the one to break his heart, because I don’t want to be selfish and take away his opportunities for other loves. Like I said, I
believe in first, second, and third loves, not true love. He says he does, and I’m scared, because does he really think he can change my mind on that if he tries keeping me? I want him happy, even if I break his heart. He’ll have time to heal it, and that makes my own cracked heart happy, knowing what I’ll be doing will be easier. He is handsome, sweet, a gentleman in nature and a geek of another nature. He’ll make girls swoon for him not too long after I’m gone , no doubt.

But the boy in my dreams, the one I know is my son. I know what it is I’ll be doing in having him, and I worry how will my parents take it? Because I know my future child will not be born from holy matrimony. I wish him a father, a paternal figure he can have. But he might not because of my choices. Oh well, I can’t psyche myself out now, can I? I pray to my (former?) God that he might forgive me now, and still make it to where I can have the little angel I saw in my dreams. I hope so. I wish so. I want it to be so.

I am Marjorie Ethel Anne Hart, and thank you for being an ear. 

Marjorie is a friend who I hope you all don't try to judge too harshly. We all could do with a little less judgement in our lives, couldn't we?